Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Secret Box

I love yard sales and estate sales, and my husband and I are lucky enough to be able to drive around town each Friday or Saturday morning to "see what's playing." Of course you never know what someone might be selling or even giving away just to get it out of their house and into yours.

Last weekend at a small sale with a random collection of merchandise I spied a little, light wooden box that was open, and the chilly breeze was trying repeatedly to blow it off the table. Inside were a few very old-looking Catholic artifacts--a St. Christopher badge, two small 5-way medals, and an ancient brass rosary accented with bright spots of verdigris. 

I bought the medals from the seller for a couple of coins and left but couldn't stop thinking about that little rosary. I have a habit of taking in orphaned rosaries, but had told myself that I needed to draw the line sometime.

We drove by the sale the next day and found it still on. Obligingly, my husband parked the car and I hurried to see if the box was still there. It was. As I examined the rosary again, its corpus tied on with black thread, the seller said that those items had an interesting history. I was all ears. They belonged to an uncle who was raised Catholic but married a Protestant woman. For whatever reason, he put aside his sacramentals and became a Protestant too. But in the little brown box saved from a bottle of English Leather, the uncle hung on to his old rosary (which no doubt belonged to a relative before him), and his medals, and maybe the sense of holiness and promise that he'd found no other faith could supply.

Did his wife know that he harbored these remnants of his old religion? I doubt it since the seller told me that this was his "secret box."

 Of course I bought it with its contents, took it home, and polished up each item as much as possible. I imagine that the owner might be happy to know that his collection of special but secret things is in new and respectful hands and out in the light of day.

Do you have a rosary in your own version of a secret box? One you seldom use but keep tucked away for another time, or for the memory it holds? I encourage you to take it out. Pray it. Leave it out where you can admire it and remember Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and the lives they lived. If you have little time to spare, just grab it and pray a devout decade. Every prayer matters.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

All Hands on Deck

Recently Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke published a novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, and it is a long one--9 months, actually. It consists of a one-page prayer, imploring Our Lady to intercede for us in defeating "the growing darkness and sin that envelop the world and menace the Church."

When have we needed her help more? New shocks are being published daily that show the appalling depths to which so many of our fellow men, our leaders, our captains of commerce, our medical providers, our educators, and even our shepherds have descended. The mess has grown so big that many of us cannot imagine that anything short of an act of God will fix it.

To that end, Cardinal Burke asks us all to join in this novena. It is an urgent call to Heaven for help, for illumination, and for widespread conversion as happened in Mexico after the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Juan Diego in 1531. You'll find the prayer here.

While this daily prayer is only one page long, some of us are so pressed by the duties of our lives that we can scarcely find time to eat meals. So here I humbly offer a condensed version for those in such situations.

Virgin Mother of God, we fly to your protection and beg your intercession against the growing darkness and sin that envelop the world and menace the Church. We humbly implore your intercession for our continuing conversion to Christ, your Divine Son, and the conversion of millions more who do  not yet believe in Him. In our homes and in our nation, lead us to Him Who alone wins the victory over sin and darkness in ourselves and in the world.

May we fully trust God's promise of salvation and His never-failing mercy toward all who turn to Him with a humble and contrite heart. O Virgin of Guadalupe, lead all souls in America and throughout the world to Your Divine Son in Whose name we pray. Amen.

To be prayed daily from March 12 to December 12, 2024. (Don't worry if you're starting late.)
Excerpt from the 9-month novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe by Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke.

In these chaotic and frightening times, do not succumb to the temptation of despair! Pray to Mother Mary, and keep that flame of hope alive.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Gift Too Easily Avoided

The famous author Oscar Wilde said this about two years before his death in 1900:

I told you that I was going to write something. I tell everybody that. It is a thing one can repeat each day, meaning to do it the next. But in my heart—that chamber of leaden echoes—I know that I never shall.

As a writer, I certainly know what he means. But here in this Lenten season, I find that his statement describes my feelings about going to the great sacrament of Confession.  "I will go next week," I say, reviewing for the tenth time the listing in the bulletin for what days and times the priest is available. 

What makes some of us hesitate so? Do we have too many sins to admit to, or can we scarcely come up with one in the space since our last Confession, certain therefore that the priest will think we are holding back or maybe place us, mentally, in the same warm space where the Pharisee of the Bible stood when he thanked God that he was not like the rest of men?

Today I finally went, after praying that the Holy Spirit would give me the words to say and the grace to learn from what was said to me. It turned out to be, as usual, a mystically curative experience. 

We pray 53 times with each Rosary, "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death." How happy, I believe, the Blessed Mother will be with us if we go to that mysterious date having unloaded the burden of our sins all along the road of life, rather than collecting them in a giant sack that we hand to her while pleading, "Dear Mother, can you please do something with this?"

Best wishes for a good Confession.


Thursday, September 22, 2022

Holding Hands

Father Peter Linh offers a beautiful vision of what happens when we pick up our rosaries to pray:

One day, on my turn as a priest to give a brief homily to [the congregation] on Wednesday, I didn’t know what to share with them. I prayed to our Blessed Mother: Please tell me what you want me to tell them. After a moment of silence, then listening, I had a feeling that she wanted me to tell her children that the Rosary is her very hand. I felt she wanted to say to us: You are my children indeed. Anytime you feel anxious or troubled about anything, hold the Rosary, then pray. When praying the mysteries and holding the Rosary in your hand, that is the moment I am holding your hand and you are holding my hand. Don’t be afraid! I am holding your hand. Again, whenever you need me, hold my hand by praying the Rosary. 

Redemptorist  Rev. Peter Linh, CSsR

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for all your love and care. How do you listen to all the prayers sent up to you, the urgent pleas for help as well as the timid requests from your countless children across the world? We cannot know. But we can believe. As we hold your rosary beads in our hands, let us in some way feel the soft pressure of your own hand in ours. 

(Don't forget that the Feast of the Holy Rosary is coming up on Friday, October 7. Read more about it here.)

Friday, April 1, 2022

Standing by the Cross on Fridays

During Lent, we get to resume the solemn  and tender practice of praying the Stations of the Cross every Friday. Whether at 3 p.m., the hour of Our Lord's death, or 7 p.m., or whatever time you are able, we walk with Jesus through his mighty Passion and take our place with Mary and John at the foot of his cross, in solidarity and sorrow. We, of course, have the relief of knowing what happens three days later.

Whether we use the little booklet containing St. Alphonsus Ligouri's Way of the Cross or a Stations "rosary," whether we join other Catholics at church in a Stations service or pray the 14 stations in a corner of our room, we find ourselves growing closer to Jesus and his mother with each stop we make along the way to Calvary.

And this exercise is a powerful one. The Lord told St. Gertrude, "... Any man, although he feels overwhelmed by the burden of his crimes, must hope for pardon through the offering of my Passion and death. For there does not exist on earth any more efficient remedy against sin than the loving memory of my Passion."*

*As quoted by Francois Mauriac in Holy Thursday: The Night That Changed the World, p. 85.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Pressed for Time

How many good intentions get pushed off the edges of our days by the press of daily duties! The rosary is often one of these that we reluctantly put off for tomorrow as we see the hour growing late.

On days like this, it's good to remember The Golden Hail Mary, a charming verse that reminds us that even one decade of Our Lady's prayer carries weight when said sincerely:

The Golden Hail Mary

One Hail Mary with love and thought said
Is better than volumes of prayers read.
If time and one's duties prevent a long prayer,
Just say one Hail Mary with fervor and care.

We pray:

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee:
blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.


Holy card copyright 2020 CatholicStationery.com

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Global Rosary During October

French laywomen have started an international project to pray the Rosary by turns in French, then English, then in Spanish during this month of October, the month of the Holy Rosary. Prayers will go up for an answer to the terrible distress of our times, just as they did before the famous Battle of Lepanto to save Christendom back in October of 1571. Read about how to participate here.